Just when I thought my birthday was over, my husband surprised me with a present! He kept asking me what I wanted but I never gave him a definitive answer. When I arrived home from work today, there was a big gift bag waiting for me on the table with wrapped presents inside. So what did I get?
Present #1 – A Gaiam travel yoga mat! I’ve been wanting one of these so bad!! I’m really trying to get back into the practice of yoga. However, since I’ve been traveling so much for work, I’ve been really inconsistent. Solution – take yoga with me on the road! I’m definitely taking this to Austin next week – yeah! I’ve already downloaded a bunch of Yoga Today sequences from iTunes (free video podcasts), including sequences for travelers, morning/evening, and for runners. Can’t wait!
(Photo courtesy of Flickr)
And now onto present #2 – A Spa Day all to myself! This is a double delight – not only do I get the spa treatment for a few hours but I also get peace and quiet – and what mother doesn’t want that I’m hoping I can find a day spa that does it all – facials, massage, nails, and yoga – wouldn’t that be fantastic!
Gotta run, I’m off to research day spas!
What wonderful birthday presents! If you’re looking for a spa + yoga venue, check out Exhale. I know there’s one (somewhere) in Chicago. I’m a big fan of the one in Boston. Total luxury! They offer a wide variety of classes–and decadent–and eco-friendly spa treatments.
Hi Holly – You are the second person who recommended Exhale. An old friend of mine who now lives in Northern Cali recommended Exhale in Santa Monica (?). I think two recommendations is good enough for me!