Stress and the Carb Fix

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Stress – I said it before and I’ll say it again…stress makes me throw all of my good eating habits out the window. Work has been stressful lately – I have a zillion projects that need to be completed in the next 3-4 months. And, as of now, I have very few staff resources to help me.

Not fun. As a result of the stress – particularly today’s stress – I tend to eat bad. For example, take a look at what I ate today:

  • 1 peach and a few bites of my daughter’s Trader Joe’s waffle
  • 1 Starbucks Mocha Frap
  • 1 1/2 cups pasta with about 1/4 cup sauce
  • 1 bag of vending machine pretzels
  • 2 small cookies and 2 mini snickers
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 peanut butter sandwich
  • A load of BBQ potato chips

I am probably under my suggested calorie intake for the day, but still – it was a total carb-loading day. And, I had a total of 2 fruits/veggies – ugh! It doesn’t help that my husband is working a ton this week so I’m playing mostly single mom – taking Mr. C and Ms. M back and forth to daycare and t-ball.

I shouldn’t complain though. I still have my health…sniff. Plus, we’re headed to see Jack Johnson this weekend – can’t wait!!! I have wanted to see JJ for YEARS! I’ve said on more than one occasion that I want to see JJ and Jimmy Buffet before I die. After Saturday – I’ll have just one more on my bucket list of concerts to attend! Hmmm…maybe the mellow sounds of Jack Johnson will help me relax a little. I’ll keep you posted 🙂


  1. I so hear you on this! Carbs are my major stress downfall too. Especially when the stresses come from balancing work and kids. This is very rare for me, but yesterday I actually drank two Frapp’s from Starbucks because I had a gift card and got the Treat Receipt for a $2 one in the afternoon. Hope it gets better for you soon!

  2. Hi Beana! I was sooo close to using my treat receipt the other day! I had to tear it up and throw it away!